Harmonizing Progress with Preservation Astun's Commitment to Sustainable Development


Health, Safety, Environment

ASTUN places paramount importance on Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) in all facets of its operations. Our HSE initiatives are multifaceted, aimed at ensuring the well-being of our employees, safeguarding the environment, and upholding the highest standards of safety.

Employee Training & Awareness

Regular HSE training equips employees to identify and mitigate risks, fostering a safety-conscious workplace culture

Risk Assessment & Management

Implementing rigorous risk assessments to identify and prevent potential hazards, fostering proactive safety measures across all operations.

Compliance with Regulations

ASTUN complies with health, safety, and environmental regulations, ensuring protection for employees and communities.

Environmental Stewardship

Sustainable practices to minimize environmental impact, including energy efficiency, waste reduction & responsible resource management.

Emergency Preparedness & Response

We have strong emergency response plans to swiftly address incidents, ensuring safety and minimizing environmental impact.

Continuous Improvement

ASTUN regularly updates HSE policies, incorporating feedback for continuous improvement and best practices.


Quality Assurance

ASTUN prioritizes quality assurance (QA) across operations, ensuring products and services meet or exceed expectations and regulatory standards.

Through comprehensive QA initiatives, ASTUN ensures products & services consistently meet high standards, prioritizing reliability and customer satisfaction.


Quality Management Systems

ASTUN maintains robust quality management systems that encompass all stages of our processes, from product design and development to manufacturing and delivery.


Monitoring, Evaluation, Corrective Actions

ASTUN implements rigorous monitoring & evaluation protocols to track product quality, identify improvement areas, implement corrective actions to prevent recurrence.


Supplier Quality Assurance

ASTUN streamlines the procurement process to source high-quality equipment, materials, and components for the pharmaceutical plant - On-time delivery & within budget.


Customer Feedback and Satisfaction

ASTUN integrates processes within the pharmaceutical plant seamlessly, optimizing layout & workflow for enhanced efficiency in manufacturing, packaging, and quality control.


Regulatory Compliance

ASTUN's construction teams excel in precision and safety, prioritizing quality and adhering to timelines to minimize disruptions.


Training and Development

ASTUN uses cutting-edge technology and automation to enhance pharmaceutical manufacturing, improving productivity, quality, and compliance.


Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR)

ASTUN fosters a culture of social responsibility through impactful CSR initiatives, prioritizing sustainable practices, community engagement, and environmental conservation. Our efforts aim to create lasting positive impacts in the areas we operate, empowering communities, supporting underprivileged groups, and contributing to a healthier planet through partnerships, volunteer-ism, and philanthropy.

ASTUN leads by example, showcasing how responsible business practices drive meaningful change and improve lives. Guided by our values of integrity, inclusivity, and compassion, we strive to build a brighter future for all. ASTUN's Directors actively serve in various Non-profit Organizations committed to social causes.